Fizz! Boom! Read! Week Six!

It’s the sixth week of our Summer Reading Program, and we’re officially past the middle point.  It’s time to give you all those reminders about how much time you have to read!

Our SUMMER READING DEADLINE for entering all your reading into your online reading log is AUGUST 24th at MIDNIGHT!

Our SUMMER READING CELEBRATION to pick out a book and have an ice cream sundae is Wednesday, AUGUST 27th.  It will be a drop in between 4:00 and 7:00.  (Right before dinner, or after!)

On to what’s happening THIS WEEK:

14 This week 6

Our special program BLUE SKIES PLANETARIUM, is today.  We still have space available, and we have dropped the age on the 6:00 show from 6th grade to 4th grade, so if you’re interested, visit the library or give us a call!

14  blue skies  planetarium

Here’s our Summer Reading Science Newsletter for Astronomy:

14 newsletter week 6 astronomy

Happy Reading!
